Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Broken Dreams

I walk alone, I walk alone.
I see the empty field, no one on it. My empty field.
Nobody in the stands.
None on the bench.
No flashes of cameras, lights shining down on me.

I walk alone, I walk alone.
I see the weight room but its locked to me.
I see the players going, but I am not among them.

I walk alone, I walk alone.
Friday night, lights shining, fans blaring, players shouting, girls cheering.
But I cannot.
Loss of life is in me.
I have it no more, will it come again?
Know I not.
But the passion for it will never end.


  1. "I see the weight room but its locked to me.
    I see the players going, but I am not among them."

    Totally know what that's like. Same thing with some of the Fine Arts stuff I do.

    Shows that they really can connect.

    Passion? Strong word. Great post.

  2. ahh yeah love me some foosball. I like that you have the passion for it. Never give up on your dreams.

  3. Passion is shown in several different ways, you're desire to want to be doing something is surreal. Great post.

  4. While reading this, I could really feel your longing to be a part of the team.

  5. i could feel the love for it from beginning to end. "but the passion for it will never end." very good.

  6. The Bad news is there is nobody in the stands.
    The good news is you have the whole place to yourself.
