Friday, September 30, 2011

Rocking Out

If life stopped, light never came again, time of life is gone.
Rocking out, Life isn't to short for this though.
Rock out like you just won state with Chase Hansen.
Rock out like you just got asked to Sadies by 5 girls with Zach Sanders.
Rock out like the worlds going to end unless if you party it back to life.

Rock out like WWIII just ended and life is not over.
Rock out like you just bought a home in Hawaii and my, you love it.
Rock out like you get free ice lemonade after football practice.

Rock out like you playing football again and nothing else makes you feel more alive.


  1. I like "WWIII just ended and life is not over" :)

  2. "Rock out like the worlds going to end unless if you party it back to life." so awesome
